Washington DC Florist and Urban Gardener

I've been in the floral industry for all of my adult life but I've been in the garden (or some version of it) my entire life. I've always loved being outside, exploring nature and watching things grow. I grew up in Michigan with the four seasons and all the changes that happen in nature with each season. When I was young we always had a garden with fruits and vegetables and when I got older we had flowers, vines, shrubs and perennials. Weeding, picking up sticks, dead-heading and watering were common chores around our house and I loved them! When I was a teenager I worked for a local greenhouse for the most amazing people that I'm honored to say are still my friends and they strengthened my love of plant life and taught me so much.

I've lived in lots of other states and if I couldn't have a garden of my own I was lucky enough to work somewhere that did or have a porch to support a pot or two of something planted. But when I moved to Washington DC (nearly 6 years ago) I quickly learned that city living and gardening did not go hand-in-hand. So, when we started looking for a house to buy the number one thing on my wish list was a backyard that was not covered in concrete. I'm happy to report that we found it! 

In the three years that we've lived in our home we've managed to create a little urban oasis to satisfy my green thumb. It's a work in progress but I feel confident saying I'm not only a florist and floral designer living in Washington DC, I'm also an urban gardener ;)

Happy Summer!